Sogndal, Førde & Florø, Norway
Advokatfirmaet Tollefsen
Advokatfirmaet Tollefsen AS has premises in two locations, one in Sogndal and one in Førde. They have ten lawyers, two secretaries/case handlers and one authorized accountant.
Their lawyers have permanent appointments as defense counsel, two are permanent counsels for the victim and there is one lawyer admitted to the Supreme Court, with the title Møterett for Høyesterett.
(The following were missing when the picture was taken: Jan Trygve Tollefsen, Hanne Katrine Mundal and Bente Helene Skildheim Nes.)
Contact us
Office address Sogndal: Parkvegen 5, 6856 Sogndal
Office address Førde: Hafstadvegen 27, 6800 Førde
Postal address: P.O. Box 25, 6851 Sogndal