Collaborative Agreements

Collaborative Agreements

Collaborative agreement with NHO
In the autumn of 2011, Eurojuris Norway and the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) entered into a cooperation agreement, which ensures that NHO member companies have priority access to high quality legal services, at a reduced rate.
Eurojuris Norway offers NHO members:
- High quality legal services
- 1 hour free first-time consultation
- 15% discount on applicable rates
- A dedicated NHO phone number
- Top priority and 24-hour response time
NHO members can contact Eurojuris Norway by calling (+47) 800 32 500 or via e-mail nho@eurojuris.no. In addition, all of the Eurojuris Norway firms will have a contact person available. Please click the button below for a full overview.